How to map out a plan for success
Approach goal setting like creating a road map for a long trip – you start with the destination and map out points along the way to successfully reach it.
StoutSHOUT: To New Orleans for #MardiGras to #YardiGras Resiliency
Kudos to New Orelans for putting safety first & finding new ways to celebrate Mardi Gras, from the #KrewofHouseFloats to virtual parades. Geaux #YardiGras !
Staying Stout Through Difficult Times
As we find ourselves embracing the concept of #ApartTogether in the midst of Covid-19 we need more that ever to embrace purpose and Bring Out Our Stout.
Leaders Speak: Paul O’Brien On How To Amplify & Accelerate Ideas
Paul O’Brien, CEO, MediaTech Ventures and Director, Founder Institute, talks with Stout about what it takes to amp up and accelerate your next idea.
Stout Insights: Same Drive, New Direction — the Reinvention of Sam Decker
Serial entrepreneur and Fair Worlds Co-Founder Sam Decker talks about his journey of reinvention, from hard-charging start-up stardom to a place of balance.
Monday Motivation: Keeping Moving Is Key To Becoming Your Best Self
Get inspired by Michelle Obama’s call to never stop growing and then use our Stout Action Plan to move forward.
Monday Motivation: Change Can Do You Good
Get inspired by Winston Churchill’s indomitable spirit then use our Stout Action Plan to see if change could do YOU good.
Monday Motivation: Serve To Lead
Get inspired by Robert K. Greenleaf’s model of servant leadership then use our Stout Action Plan to find how you can serve others with purpose.
StoutSHOUT: To Ruth Bader Ginsburg For Challenging The Status Quo
The Notorious RBG: From Harvard Law to the Supreme Court, we tip our Stout hat to this bold groundbreaker.
Monday Motivation: Pushing Forward With Purpose
Find inspiration in Dale Carnegie’s determined journey and try our Stout Action Plan to conquer setbacks and live your purpose.
Monday Motivation: Wake Up Your Purpose
Find inspiration in the Carl Jung’s philosophy and try our Stout Action Plan to look inside and wake up your passion and purpose.
Monday Motivation: Find Your Purpose
Find inspiration in the definition of purpose and try our Stout Action Plan to find your purpose and pursue it.
Monday Motivation: How To Take Your First Step In A New Direction
Accelerate Your Week With STOUT Inspiration from Nora Roberts and a Stout Action Plan To Taking The First Step In A New Direction
Monday Motivation: Use The Power Of Mentorship To Discover Your Mission
Accelerate your week with inspiration from Galileo and a #Stout Action Plan for finding a mentor to help you discover what’s within you.
Bassist, Business Builder, Badass – #StoutWAYS with Mellie Price
Mellie Price, serial entrepreneur, start-up mentor and inaugural Executive Director of Commercialization at Dell Medical School, shares the Stoutness behind her “accidental journey” into entrepreneurship.
Monday Motivation: Set your eyes on the prize and win it
Get your week moving with inspiration from Ralph Waldo Emerson and a #Stout Action Plan to make your next win happen.
How To Use The Science Of Fresh Starts To Meet Your Goals
New Year’s goals falling behind? Here’s how to harness the power of temporal landmarks to get back on track and expand your possibilities.
The First Rule of Achieving Your Goals? Don’t Talk About Your Goals!
When we set a goal our first instinct is to talk about it, but Derek Sivers presents research on why people share goals are less likely to achieve them.
How To Find Direction On Your Path To Innovation
There is no single path to innovation-so how do you ensure you don’t get locked into a set map and lose your edge for discovery?
Date, Innovate and Get LUCK-y
Innovative new matchmaking app LUCK taking swiping to a new level (3 levels, actually) to make matches more meaningful for online daters.