Stout Locals Who Lead
CategoryLocals Who Lead: Courtney Santana Is Turning Lives Around
Survive2Thrive foundation founder and CEO Courtney Santana shares her powerful insights into servant leadership, mission and making a difference.
Locals Who Lead: “Cowgirl Power”broker Gay Gaddis
Gay Gaddis talks about leadership, legacy and the professional pivot she’s embarked upon.
Locals Who Lead: Ingrid Vanderveldt’s Empowering Mission
CEO and serial entrepreneur Ingrid Vanderveldt talks with Stout Magazine about leadership, potential and her laser-focus on an ambitious goal.
Locals Who Lead: Bobby Jenkins Knows the “ABCs” of Being #Stout
Bobby Jenkins has a simple motto: work hard and be nice.
Locals Who Lead: Monica Peraza is #Stout
Serial entrepreneur, passionate civic leader, driving force behind The Hispanic Alliance and Austin Local Who Leads Monica Peraza share her leadership insights and success secrets with Stout.
Locals Who Lead: Dr. Daniel J And Lurleen Ladd -Leading The Charge Against Skin Cancer
Tru-Skin Dermatology’s Dr. Daniel Ladd and his wife Lurleen are doing everything they can to help patients with skin cancer – and prevent others from getting it.