Coachable Moment With Molly Fletcher: Breaking Through A Block

Coachable Moment With Molly Fletcher: Breaking Through A Block

Using in-the-moment feedback to take action & grow.

Getting Un-Blocked

Stout Founder & Publisher Christi Hester finds a Coachable Moment in a recent conversation with Molly Fletcher.


Introducing Stout “Coachable Moments”
Getting to your next level means being open to feedback and viewing it as a valuable tool to fast track you to new heights. If you’re brave enough to ask, tapping into the wisdom of others who have been there, and receiving any constructive feedback without taking it personally, can be the key to opening up new possibilities – in a word you become “coachable”. In our new Stout “Coachable Moments” feature, we share real, personal and relatable “a-ha” moments from conversations that lead to self-evaluation, action and growth. Are you ready to be coached?

The Moment

You don’t have to be a startup entrepreneur, artist or writer to experience a block. Blocks are those big, self-imposed stoppers that can sabotage your success. In the course of a conversation with Molly Fletcher, Stout’s Founder Christi Hester discovered one of her own. By opening herself to this Coachable Moment, she gained some great insights on how to tackle this success killer.

Christi Hester: How do you get through a block?

Molly Fletcher:
I create a new story. Blocks are deeply seated in a FEAR. The only way to overcome one is to envision what’s possible down the road and create a new story. First I would ask, what are you afraid of?

CH: I’m afraid of doing everything I think I’m supposed to do and still failing. I’m resisting selling my own product. Sales is actually a strength of mine, something I have been successful at for others, but I’m having a hard time pushing through to find the YES for my own product and being brave enough to get the NO’s to understand why.

MF: So the story you’re telling yourself right now is ‘If you do nothing, then you won’t fail. If you try and fail, that’s not at all OK.’

CH: Basically, yes. So how would I go about creating a new story?

Molly then outlined a few steps Christi could walk through to help break past her block. We’re sharing them below so you can use this Stout Coachable Moment if you experience a block, barrier or wall keeping you from hitting your next level.


Stout Insights
  Molly Fletcher’s Action Plan To Blow Through Blocks  

1: Put Aside Your Old Story

Free yourself from whatever block you’re mired in (fear, failure, imposter syndrome, etc.) by setting aside your current plan and starting fresh. Once you’re living a new script, you can revisit bringing back worthy elements, sans the blocking boogeyman.

2: Define A Clear Vision

Write down your answer, in detail, to this question: In 6 months what do I want my reality to be?

3: Outline Necessary Changes

List the behaviors and beliefs you need re-work or revise to make your new vision become the reality of your life.

4: Live Your Shift

READ your new Vision statement daily. Keep it in front of you and concentrate EVERY DAY on fully on believing X, doing Y and living your new story.

For the latest from Molly Fletcher, visit her “Extra Point” Leadership blog