Monday Motivation: How To Take Your First Step In A New Direction
STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week: Take The First Step
Nora Roberts (who also writes as JD Robb) is one of the world’s bestselling authors, with over 400 million novels in print and more than 893 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list under her belt she is known for taking the romance genre in a whole new direction.
A self-taught writer, Roberts penned her first novel while trapped at home in snowstorm with her two young children. But her work was not, at first, an easy sell. The editor who acquired Roberts’s first novel remembers “standing on her head to get Nora’s books because they didn’t follow the formula like others.”
Determined to create stories she wanted to read, Roberts kept writing in her own irreverent style, winning over a legion of readers with her feisty female leads who wanted to be the boss not marry him- and taking the entire genre of romance in a new direction in the process.
“ If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”
– Nora Roberts
❶ Set Your Direction
Check your internal compass for what meets your purpose and map the path.
❷ Take One Step
The first step in a new direction can be the hardest- push past fear and make your pivot.
❸ Don’t Stop Moving
Nora Robert’s iron-clad rule she credits for her writing success? “Ass in the chair.” No matter how small, take a step every day in your new direction everyday and you’ll find yourself there faster than you think.
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