Monday Motivation: Value The Past To Craft Your Future
STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week
Find inspiration in Hassan Fathy’s innovative blending of past and pioneering and use our Stout Action Plan to craft a strong foundation for future success.
Hassan Fathy was an Egyptian architect whose life work pioneering modernized uses of traditional building materials, structures and design elements inspired others across the world to find innovative ways to respect local traditions and resources while creating modern, live-able structures.
Fathy began his career focused on teaching architecture to others, but as he began to take on projects of his own, he was invested in more than building homes – he strove to strengthen communities by training community members building methods to repair and sustain their own homes.
Fathy saw himself as a link in a long chain of master builders whose duty it was to carry forward the Arabian building tradition. He viewed architecture as socially responsible building construction and believed, above all, that good architecture helps to improve human living conditions. His tenacious and patient advocacy earned him international acclaim as the “Architect of the Poor” and the Aga Khan Foundation Chairman’s Award for his lifetime achievements in architecture.
The straight line is the line of duty, while the curve is the path of beauty.
– Hassan Fathy
❶ Find Your Foundation
INSPIRATION from others and your past ACCOMPLISHMENTS can be the strongest ground on which to build new success.
❷ Construct With Purpose
Questions to ask: What are you crafting? Who can it serve? Is it in line with WHAT YOU WANT TO BE?
❸ Inspire to Influence
SHARE what you’re doing with others to inspire TRUST in your intentions and bring others around to your vision.
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