Monday Motivation : Don’t Just Dream It- Do It!
STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week
Walt Disney was an American entrepreneur, cartoonist, film producer and pioneer in the American animation industry. Disney turned his childhood interest and skill in art into a viable career, persevering through company failures in lean financial times to produce the first feature-length sound and picture cartoon and eventually build the iconic, and still wildly successful, Walt Disney Company.
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
– Walt Disney
❶ Make What You Love Doing Your Work
Don’t just think about a dream job– make it yours! Follow our seven steps to uncover what you really like to do and make it work for you.
❷ Cultivate Resilience
Even the #Stoutest among us aren’t immune to setbacks. Use our #StoutStrategies to help your bounce back and come out stronger.
❸ Keep Moving Forward
The path to success is a continuous journey. Use author Richard St. John “8 To Be Great” traits of successful people to stay on track.
For more STOUT insights on living a successful, purpose-driven life, click to sign up for #FridayFuel.