Monday Motivation: Disrupt To Deliver Inspired By Jay Samit
STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week
Get inspired by change agent Jay Samit and then use our Stout Action Plan to foster disruption and positive change.
↳ Jay Samit
Jay Samit is a digital media innovator and pioneer in the music, video distribution, social media, and eCommerce space. Recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and innovation, Samit has been called on by leaders from the Pope to the President to orchestrate positive change.
From helping grow pre-IPO companies such as Linkedin and eBay, to senior management roles at Sony and Universal Studios, to pioneering breakthrough advancements that are used by billions of consumers every day, to his adjunct USC professorship teaching innovation at America’s largest engineering school, Samit continues to be at the forefront of global trends- accurately predicting the future because he is constantly working with those who create it.
A positive change agent, Samit combines his vision with humor, to motivate others to become disruptors. Through his frequent talks and his internationally best-selling book Disrupt You! Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation, Samit gets people passionate about innovation, overcoming obstacles, and teaches them how to think bigger and embrace change.
The purpose of life is to build a life of purpose.
– Jay Samit
Serial Disruptor & Bestselling Author
↳ 3-Step Plan To Purposeful Disruption
❶ Commit to Disrupt
If you want something to change, you MUST disrupt the current situation. Same goes for creating new opportunities. If it’s time to disrupt, master the process- not the task.
❷ Get Comfortable With The Unknown
Disruption at its core is messy. That means it’s working, you are creating new opportunities and a different set of eyes on a problem or current situation.
❸ Stay Perpetually Positive
Disruption is NOT what happens to you, but how you RESPOND. This is the SECRET sauce. As Samit says: “Today can be better than yesterday, and I have the power to make it so.” Say that everyday and never forget who actually has the power!
Three lies we tell ourselves & Jay’s advice for how to check them at the door
- I’m not smart enough–insights and drive is all you need. The rest can be hired.
- I will fail– Ok, if you say so–it’s up to you.
- I don’t have the connections or resources–Great creative, hustle and open yourself to the flow. Crowdfunding has already proven that connectivity is a click away.
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