Monday Motivation: Honor MLK With A Commitment To Service
STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week
Get inspired by the groundbreaking life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and then use our Stout Action Plan to spark your inner fire and become a servant leader.
↳ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister, Nobel Laureate, and civil rights activist, who worked tirelessly for peace, social justice, and opportunity for all Americans – irrespective of color or creed.
From boycotts, to walks to peaceful protests, King led an unwavering march to advance civil rights through nonviolent civil disobedience and on October 14, 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to combat racial inequality through nonviolent resistance.
The honoring of Martin Luther King Jr. day on Jan. 20, 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of a national day of service to celebrate the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. Observed as “a day on, not a day off,” it is an effort to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. See what you can do in your community to celebrate- not just on MLK Day, but everyday!
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
↳ 3-Step Plan To Spark A Servant Leader Mindset
❶ Identify Your Gift
How you can serve to make humanity a better place? Chances are your have MANY talents in which to serve others. Tap into your unique talents and listen to your heart in determining how you can best serve others.
❸ Set A Deadline For Action
Thoughts without action never happen-make a plan! First, set a deadline on your calendar to commit you to your goal. Next, work backward to define the actions steps that must happen to meet that challenge. Finally, take step one and get it done!
❷ Share Your Message
Pitch your plan to your family, friends or at work and see who wants to join your team. You’d be surprised to see how many will step up to help once something is planned and organized. Plus, having others onboard will keep you accountable to meeting your deadline!
❷ Reflect & Expand
What went right? What went wrong? Apply what you’ve learned to your everyday life, job, family, friends and use that knowledge to set your next goal. You’ll see how ONE effort can domino and bring out the servant leader in you!
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