Need some fuel? #Stout Austin execs share how they recharge
Refuel, recharge, refresh – whatever you call it, we all need to do it! Here’s some inspiration from local Austin execs who shared their favorite ways to recharge.
“I’m lucky enough to work in one of Austin’s most beautiful spaces that is haunted by the spirits of artists who have performed on its stage and the audience members who have cheered them here. Walking up the lobby stairs and glancing into the auditorium sends me such great energy & recharges me all the time. My second-favorite way to recharge is walking the trails of Lady Bird Lake or the Greenbelt. If I had to name a 3rd, it would be any trail anywhere in Colorado. I love the quiet beauty of nature.”
Maica Jordan
Chief Development Officer, Paramount & Stateside Theatres

Maica Jordan, Chief Development Officer, Paramount & Stateside Theatres

Carlos Castano, Director, Americas Premium Technical Services, Cisco Systems
“We now live in a world of constant electronic communications providing a wealth of information, but can also produce increasing demands for our attention and availability. In my line of work, leading a business that supports global enterprises 24×7, it has become critical for me to learn how to recharge and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Personally, cycling, swimming, yoga, soccer, reading, and quality family time does it for me. These are my elements, the domains that recharge and help me place everything in the right perspective!
Carlos Castano
Director, Americas Premium Technical Services, Cisco Systems
“I get physical. I am self-aware enough to know that it is non-negotiable for my to start each day with exercise (and a STOUT cup of good coffee). I let no excuse get in my way. I know that if I miss a swim, or a run or a bike ride, I will be unbalanced all day long and far less productive in my professional job and my job as a mom. It is in those early morning moments that I find my peace. Something else that really helps me feel refreshed is to look at the world through a positive lens. I am always on the search for that silver lining or that little piece of learning or growth. When I find it, I feel the increased energy and recharge happening, and can use that energy to find my happy place again.”
Alissa Magrum
Executive Director, Colin’s Hope and The Bolder Board Austin Ambassador

Alissa Magrum, Executive Director, Colin’s Hope
Want more ideas on how to recharge? Check out advice from three more #STOUT personalities.