Helping after Harvey #StayStrong #Resilience
As a Texas-based business, Stout Magazine is proud to see the outpouring of support surrounding Houston and southeast Texas cities affected by Hurricane Harvey.
We close this month’s focus on Recharging & Resilience with thoughts and actions for the #HarveyRecovery from some #Stout Texans as they step up to help others #StayStrong for the road ahead.
How can you help with Harvey recovery right now?
Make an evacuee welcome kit
“Austin is a creative and innovative city. So when we’re faced with a mobilization challenge of hosting thousands of guests due to Hurricane Harvey, Austin expresses its resilience in creative ways by crowdsourcing disaster relief. That allows us to respond quickly while we can scale our infrastructure to handle a large need.”
– Austin Mayor Steve Adler
Click here for details on making an evacuee welcome kit and where to deliver them.
Donate to Undies for Everyone
“#realtalk #Harvey Let’s talk underwear! People donate clothes, but not usually underwear. There’s a shortage. It’s a dignity issue. EVERYONE deserves the dignity of clean underwear, especially now.”
– Brenè Brown Research Professor, University of Houston
Donate to Undies for Everyone or send by Amazon from their undies wish list
Donate a place to stay
“For me, resilience comes to me from taking joy in the smallest things. A quiet moment to reflect, a funny little smile from my son at just the right time and knowing when I have a down day knowing there is always tomorrow. We are hoping to give those who’ve lost so much a place to regroup, recharge and recover.”
– Chereen Fisher (Top Trip Rentals)
“Being based in Texas, nearly all of our HomeAway employee family is either related to or knows someone affected by Hurricane Harvey,” said Bill Furlong, HomeAway Vice President, North America. “We are moved by those who are dedicating themselves to help our fellow Texans, especially those opening their doors.”
– Bill Furlong (HomeAway)
Owners-how to donate/discount your property or
evecuees- how to find a place to stay or call 1-888-336-7713.
Donate to Rebuild Homes and Businesses
“We are energized by the opportunity to work together with partners and people across the state to help our coastal neighbors and accelerate the rebuilding of their communities.”
– Michael & Susan Dell
Donate to ReBuildTx or To have Michael Dell match your donations, text “RebuildTx” to 91999 and follow the prompts.

Donate to Help Displaced Pets
“I know that being resilient is about accepting that everything is constantly changing. Our circumstance today is different from yesterday and will be different again tomorrow. We must find peace through the change, know that all hardship will eventually pass and joy comes from within.” says Chad Harris. “Jake in the photo is a displaced pooch from the Medical Center in Houston whose family way lucky to evacuate safely from their flooded Houston home, but we need help getting care to pets in need and to help the families keep their peace of mind.”
-Dr. Chad Harris, DVM, Chief of Staff North Austin Animal Hospital
Donate to Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund, Houston SPCA or Austin Pets Alive.