#FuelStop: How To Be An Entrepreneur At Any Age
Stout Fuel Stop: 1 min read/6:58 min watch
At age 66, Paul Tasner turned an untimely departure and 40 years as a company man into his second act, impacting lives globally and inspiring others
Second acts can happen at any age
Stout breaks down the takeaways from Paul’s lemonade moment, where he paired his existing expertise in consumer packaging with his passion for being kinder to the earth to develop a clean technology that is replacing toxic consumer goods packaging with an environmentally sound, biodegradable one.
With a success rate of 70% for older entrepreneurs and the number of Baby Boomers aging out of the workforce, there are many second acts to be had.
STOUT Takeaways on Second Acts at Sixty+
- Be BOLD- Realize that your experience is a building block- you can use it to make something new.
- Be Passionate-You can’t fake it. Go deep and see what lights you up, then apply your knowledge to your passion.
- Be PERSISTENT- Especially when it comes to funding. Depending on your market, the competition is fierce, but if your idea and model is solid, persist.
- Get Over Yourself- Just because you’re not a spring chicken, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get out there and do it. According to Paul’s Ted Talk, the odds are in your favor.
Entrepreneurship is ageless
Entrepreneurs come in all flavors and at various ages and stages. If you are curious, have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, or in need of some inspiration, check out some of our resources to help you get started!