EBW Global Summit Words of Wisdom – Day One
The EBW Global Summit has presented a spectacular speaker lineup for Day 1, and they have woven a tapestry of inspiring advice for #Stout readers dedicated to their success journeys.
Here are our Favorite #STOUT Quotes from today:
“Take no nonsense from nobody – not even yourself.”
Tina Allton (@TinaAllton)
COO, EBW EBW 2020TINA ALLTON Co-Founder, Undefeeted
“Failure is an illusion. Something else was meant to happen.”
Courtney Santana (@S2TFoundation)
Founder and CEO, Survive 2 ThriveCOURTNEY SANTANA Founder/ CEO, Survive2Thrive
“Look for the shortest distance from Point A to Point B in every process. That’s how you can scale.”
Steve Felice (@Felice2Steve)
Former president, DellSTEVE FELICE Former President & Chief Commercial Officer of Dell
“If you over-analyze it, it won’t happen. If you have an idea, just start.”
V Taybron (@DomesticQueenV)
Founder, SavorVV. TAYBRON Creator, Savor V
“There is power in your pause.”
Pastor Andrea Moore (@SummitATX)
Founder, Summit Worship CenterANDREA MOORE, Pastor
“Plan your work, work your plan.”
Rosa Santana
Founder & CEO, The Santana GroupROSA SANTANA, Founder & CEO The Santana Group
EBW has a full lineup of new speakers for tomorrow, and Stout will once again bring the best to you.