Monday Motivation:  Pushing Forward With Purpose

Monday Motivation: Pushing Forward With Purpose

STOUT Inspiration + Action To Accelerate Your Week

Find inspiration in Dale Carnegie’s determined journey and try our Stout Action Plan to conquer setbacks and live your purpose.


Dale Carnegie was an American writer, lecturer and the developer of famous courses in public speaking and interpersonal skills. His most famous work is “How to Win Friends and Influence People” a bestselling book he wrote in 1936 that remains popular today.

Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri, Carnegie woke at 4am to work on the farm, then rode 50 miles on horseback to school. He used the time on those long rides to practice public speaking. After he finished school, he moved to NYC to become an actor, landed a role only to realize that he did not like working in theater.

Broke and living in a YMCA, he thought back to what made him happiest and realized it was public speaking. He asked YMCA to let him teach classes and though they took 80% of profit to start, but from those talks built the foundation of his self-help empire dedicated to helping others realize empowerment through public speaking.

All people have fears. The brave put down those fears and go forward.
– Dale Carnegie



Assess Your Current Situation
What parts of your current job/career do you enjoy? What parts would you rather delegate/give away if possible? Kickstart your self assessment with some real life Stout “stay or go” moments.

Remember What You Love To Do
Think back (even waaay back) and identify specific jobs, projects or even volunteer efforts that really sparked your interest. List out key factors that made that work seem less like “work” and see how those fit together and you’ll be one step closer to mapping out the right next steps on your journey.

Don’t Be Afraid To Fail
Like Carnegie, the first efforts you make on your journey may end in setback. Being able to bounce back, re-assess and move forward is key to finding ultimate purpose-driven success.

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